CAVE - Communication AND Visual Education in home-schooling
The health emergency of COVID 19 caused numerous radical changes in the management of educational dynamics. In all European countries, the education system has had to rethink forms and practices by exploiting the various opportunities of digital technologies.
Digital Education and digital platforms have become the main virtual space for the design and delivery of teaching, as well as for the relationship and organization of educational “e-ativities”, however highlighting critical issues on the quality and inclusiveness of the training proposal.
The greatest risk is to compromise some principles underlying the European pillar on social rights according to the provisions of the European Union document: "Communication From The Commission To The European Parliament" of 30 September 2020.
CAVE intends to work on two dimensions of the European Education Area, that of quality and that of inclusion to counter forms of socio-cultural, linguistic, and psychocognitive inequality, and reducing the main misalignments in the field of education, emphasized in the period of COVID19.
Programme: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
Project period: 01/03/2021 - 30/06/2023
Project objectives:
Provide basic and transversal digital skills to teachers for a transformation of teaching methodologies by emphasizing the opportunities for relationship and participation that online platforms offer.
Work on the innovation of sharing strategies of teaching materials in social platforms close to the daily online relational experience of young people, as well as on better communicability of teaching materials through the adoption of visual languages and storytelling as narration methods of more engaging content.
Provide transversal digital skills (e.g. critical analysis, user awareness, creative content production) for greater autonomy and behavioural online responsibility online.
Expected impact:
Through intellectual products and the direct involvement of teachers and students, the CAVE project will achieve the following results:
The development of digital skills of teachers useful for the design of multimedia teaching units, using cards - infographics and visual storytelling methodologies in order to guarantee quality and inclusive teaching, as well as improve the transferability of contents to students also through the “distance learning”, overcoming economic, technological, geographic, social, cultural and psychological-individual, linguistic, cultural, social, and psycho-cognitive gaps;
The identification and implementation of strategies for active participation, relationship and exchange of students in the “distance learning” in order to overcome social isolation and motivate students to participate in the proposed educational activities, against the risk of school dropout;
Strengthening students' critical, digital and creative production skills, with particular reference to social media, so that they can develop responsible and aware behaviors during media use and critical attitudes concerning the multiple information conveyed online.
Project outputs:
School-telling. Online training course for teachers of different disciplines focused on the use of infographic language and the application of visual storytelling in teaching to narrate, disseminate, transmit and communicate educational content to students in a more inclusive and innovative way. Specifically, the course intends to design and develop audio-visual and animated Learning Objects through the infographic language following a three-level structure: basic, intermediate, and advanced.
Social Media Platform addressed both to primary school teachers, in the role of content Creator and to students in the role of Follower Creator. The Visual social media platform (AGORÀ) is a virtual learning environment that provides educational audiovisual content to be used with teachers and students in the classroom within educational paths. The platform is also a space for sharing knowledge and exchanging information between teachers and students: a modern agorà.
Tools and Methodologies for evaluation capable of assessing the digital skills of teachers and the impact on students in terms of increased learning and school participation. The evaluation tools created can be used throughout the project and can also be used for subsequent training activities to evaluate the effectiveness of the training intervention and certify the skills learned according to the levels of the European DIGCOMP framework.
Public institution „eMundus“ participates as associated partner.
Project website: https://projectcave.eu/