COSY Thinking: Enhancing higher education on COmplex SYstems THINKING for sustainable development
"COSY Thinking" project focuses its intervention on providing undergraduate students with opportunities to learn about complex systems, as well as providing short courses to lifelong learners active in agencies engaged in the 2030 Agenda.
Project is developed under Erasmus+ programme Strategical partnerships in Higher education.
The aims of the COSY project are:
- Provide undergraduate students with competences on complex systems thinking as a basis for sustainability action.
- Provide academic lecturers and managerial staff with knowledge, skills and tools for adapting their educational activities with a specific focus on sustainable development.
The project is addressed to:
- Undergraduate Students
- Lecturers
6 partners from 5 different European countries are involved in the project:
- ödertön Hogskola (Sweden)
- Ionian University (Greece)
- Limerick Institute of Technology (Ireland)
- Pixel Associazione (Italy)
- University of Perugia (Italy)
- Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
eMundus is an associate partner which responsibility is project dissemination.
The main project results include:
- An Inventory on complex systems implementation in academic training
- A Toolkit for implementing an interdisciplinary approach to sustainable development teaching
- A Joint Curriculum in Sustainable Development
Project website: cosy.pixel-online.org
Project's social network: https://www.facebook.com/COSY-European-Project-101184521895380
Project period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2023
Project number: 2020-1-SE01-KA203-077872