Go Green! Transdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching Environmental Sustainability at School
Sustainable development is the core subject in the debate of global communities for a renewed development model which will be able to respect the environment and preserve naturalresources.
Schools have to educate new generations to an integrated and sustainable vision of development and to make them understand the
impact of their behaviour on the environment and the consequences that their actions have on the future.
Project number: 2022-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000087872
Project objectives:
Promoting the awareness of schools communities on environmental issues and sustainable development
Promoting a transdisciplinary approach and problembased learning
Implementing, experimenting and disseminating training modelsrelated to the environment
Enhancing the contribution that the education system can give to environmentalsustainability
Project results:
An E-learning Training Package for teachers to promote an interdisciplinary approach to a sustainable environmental development
A Collection of Problem Based Learning Lesson Plans to implement a set of teaching materials about environmental and sustainable development issues
A Transnational Pilot Syllabus for schools to teach environmental sustainability through a transdisciplinary and problem-based learning approach
eMundus participates in the project as an associated partner responsible for project results dissemination to the target groups.
Project website: go-green.pixel-online.org