The Not Only Fair Play project, is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, is promoted by Istituto Professionale “Francesco Datini”, Italian vocational school, VšĮ "eMundus" is associated partner.
The Not Only Fair Play project aims at promoting awareness of the importance of physical education at school.
The specific project objectives are:
- The promotion of awareness of the importance of sport at school through a better integration of physical education into the school curricula.
- The enhancement of sport as a mean to promote social inclusion of all students
- The promotion of an ethical approach to Sport and physical activities
- The promotion of a comprehensive overlook to sports offer
The project main activities are:
- Capitalizing of Success Stories and Best Practices (Collection of success stories and best practices in the promotion of sport and physical activities at school.)
- Creation of the Toolkits (Creation of guidelines for school directors, physical education teachers and teachers to exploit the use of sport at school.)
- Organisation of Sports Events (Planning, organization and management of pilot initiatives to promote the importance of sport at school.)
- Guidelines of Policy Makers (Cooperatively development of 2 guidelines for policy makers to raise awareness on the importance of promoting sport at school.)
Area: School and University Education
Start Date: 01.01.2015
End Date: 31.12.2016