Conscious Parent Academy - Replacement parent urgently needed!
The activities start in the international project "Conscious Parent Academy - Replacement parent urgently needed!" which is dedicated for caregivers (foster families) and educators. Project will run for 3 years (till the 31st of August, 2023). Project is developed under Erasmus+ programme. Providing foster care, building emotional relationships, and the degree of responsibility that caregivers have is a broad and complicated issue. Research and responses from gaurdian show that the guardian requires legal, social, emotional and educational support.
The project is implemented by educational institutions and organizations from Poland, Portugal and Lithuania.
eMundus joins the project as an associate partner, which will contribute to the improvement of the content by giving feedback, to the dissemination of the project, evaluation, organization of seminars / trainings and involvement of participants - target groups.
Project aims to raise the educational competences of foster families as well to expand and develop the competences of educators and other employees supporting adult learners.
Face to face training, online training, blended mobility, seminars for guardians, care coordinators will be organized to expand and deepen knowledge about foster care. It is planned to create tools supporting the implementation of tasks resulting from foster care, improving the image of foster families. The prepared Guide - help-desk for persons in charge of foster care will provide the guidelines, recommendations, methods of crisis management. It is also planned to bring together 3 support groups, one per partner countries.