DIGITAL TUTORS: FACING THE NEW GENERATION AND CHALLENGES: International conference for results dissemination
Conference for International "Erasmus+" program's project “DIGITAL TUTORS: FACING THE NEW GENERATION AND CHALLENGES” results dissemination
Target audience: teachers of vocational training centers and general education schools and other school representatives interested in digital education, technologies and the possibilities of evaluating and improving digital competences.
The global covid-19 pandemic in the winter of 2020 forced hundreds of thousands of educational institutions to reorganize the teaching process by moving it remotely, rethink the teaching scheme and strategies, and adapt to the suddenly changed situation.
In order to develop digital education, the European Commission proposed systems as „DigComp“ ir „DigCompEdu“, allowing to evaluate the digital competences of two target groups: teachers and general citizens.
Contributing to this initiative and seeing the need for the development of this tool, the project partners suggested paying attention not only to digital competences, but also to the soft skills such as empathy, reflection, curiosity, imagination, resilience, which are also important in the educational process.Therefore, the project aims to evaluate and improve the various competencies and skills of educational workers, so that they feel more confident when preparing and providing content for distance or blended learning.
During the conference, the project partners from Lithuania, the Netherlands and Spain - vocational education centres and non-formal education organizations - will present the definition of the role of a digital tutor refined during the project, as well as a map of competences and the description of competences based on the DigCompEdu competence system and the competence assessment tool.
Partners also developed a training program aimed at deepening knowledge in the organization of blended lessons, during the conference partners from the Netherlands will share their experience in applying this training program.
External experts working in this field will share good practice, presenting how blended lessons are organized in vocational education and how the DigiCompEdu tool can be applied to determine teachers' competencies and abilities to use evocative technologies (augmented reality, virtual reality and haptic technology (i.e. 3D touch).
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Certificates of qualification will be issued to the participants